The last comment... / Le mot de la fin...
Voila, le sejour a Dundee touche a sa fin... et nous a quelque peu transformes comme vous pouvez le remarquer!
Non, on decooooone.... on est restes les memes! sauf que maintenant, on est bien evidemment bilingues,(!!!) on connait toutes les marques de bieres, de whisky, et on pourra donner des conferences de cardiology et d'urology en anglais.
Treve de plaisanteries : deux mois, ca passe sacrement vite quand on en profite un max! D'un cote, hate de revoir ts les petits francais que nous avons laisses, mais de l'autre, pas du tt contents de se remettre a bosser!
Special thanks for the very nice people we have met here : Ivin, Uchenna, Oye (hey bro!), Ania, Margaret (and all the polish people and their flatmates!), Marta, Myriam, Chineese Anna, Robert (sorry for your pillow and your toilet!) , Avi, Ash, Italian Anna, Helen ,Alex medical student,Quame and babe for free taxi,the Night Bus Driver (of course!!),professeur Pringle (cardiology consultant),DR Simon Mackie, steve garnettt and Alisitair rennie(urology), The Urology clinics' nurses... and sorry if we have forgotten some of you guys...we'll remember you too! :D
My dear French friends!!! the last 2 months were incredible! We've been having funall the time,we've been going out together: Do you remember our first time in a Social? Then in London? Then in many different places but still with the same people. This is very nice and for sure unforgettable. I can't help missing you now. I know that you're flying home tomorrow and this make all of us very upset:(
I hope we'll keep in touch and meet soon:)
I'm lucky that I met you: Mathilde,Melanie,Cindy and Tony!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you all:)
Come back to Dundee as soon as possible:)
wow, ania's message is so spirit lifting...
i totally agree with what ania said, we've been out together for so many times during these two months and they gave me so much fun!
taking care of yourselves and i will be missing you!
love you...
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